Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Look what came through my door at the taxpayers' expense

Those Nats are a crafty lot. Their latest trick has been to use that Great British institution, Royal Mail, to sneakily spread their message disguised among everyone's bills and Betterware catalogues.

This oversized postcard, which appears to show Victor Meldrew reading the SNP's White Paper at Arthur Fowler's allotment, arrived with my mail yesterday morning. Lots of my friends received variations of the same leaflet, all of them showing a person reading (or possibly hiding behind?) the White Paper.

It seems there's a whole series of these leaflets - a collect 'em all, like these football stickers you used to get. Personally, I'd rather roll mine up into a telescope and send it to Nat HQ with a note suggesting they use it to see what's right in front of them. Though maybe instead, they should make it into a hat and cover it in tinfoil to stop those Evil Westminster Tories penetrating their brains.

Fair enough, the Yes campaign has as much right to promote its cause as the rest of us, but look closely at the bottom right-hand corner of the leaflet and tell me what logo you see. Is it Yes Scotland's? No. The SNP? It's not.

It's the symbol of the Scottish Government.

That's correct. The SNP, which constantly paints Westminster as the baddies, is using our hard-earned taxes to push its separatist agenda. To have the brass neck to suggest at this stage that separation is the view of the entire government, not just that of the SNP's, is somewhat worrying.

On a lighter note, this is what I think of their leaflet . . . .