It’s been the most anticipated document in Scotland since
the final Harry Potter instalment; a book of revelations and the Nationalists’s big
chance to set out their vision in black and white – the long awaited White
Ever since the SNP seized a majority at Holyrood, it’s been
the smug retort of many a Nat when confronted with a difficult
question: “Just wait until the White Paper comes out, and then all will be
So, what was the big secret? What was it the Nationalists
knew that the rest of us didn’t? Erm, nothing, it turns out.
Just like when Indiana Jones’ nemesis, Rene Belloq, opened
the Ark of the Covenant and found only sand (before things went really mental)
the much-hyped about White Paper failed to reveal anything new or exciting. (Incidentally,
the sand in the Ark soon turned into something much more sinister).
The Nats built-up this long-overdue blueprint as if it was
the latest must-have action figure but alas, it’s merely a regurgitation of the
same bold assumptions. What was essentially the SNP’s golden opportunity to put
to sleep any uncertainties once and for all has turned out to be about as
factual as the Loch Ness Monster.
Apparently we’ll keep the pound, even though that’s
ultimately not up to us, but hey, we won’t tell the voters that. And when
that’s rejected? Eh, we’ll worry about that later.
We’ll join the EU under
our own terms even though we’ve been warned otherwise from the actual,
real-life EU, but again we’ll keep that one quiet and if anyone asks, we’ll just
tell them porkies or accuse them of scaremongering – even if they are the Prime
Minster of Spain.
Trident will be
banished from our shores forever but we’ll still be able to join NATO entirely
under our own conditions.
We’ll use our magic to
deliver a range of policies to make Scotland a
better place, a modern day Camelot . . . . but we’re not telling you how much that
will cost or how the hell we’ll pay for it unless you vote yes.
The people of Scotland deserve to be told the full facts of
what independence actually means in the cold light of day, not the bits the SNP
want us to know. It’s the future of our country and our lives we’re talking
about here, not what’s in that vegetable soup you’re trying to get a fussy kid
to eat.
Most baffling of all are the claims that health and
education will be improved if Scotland is freed of the evil chains of
Westminster. Er, don’t the Scottish Government realise that they have the power
to do that already? Of course they do. But they won’t do it unless you vote in
their favour. It’s oor baw and we’re no
Alistair Darling summed up the White Paper nicely when
interviewed on the BBC’s Daily Politics: "There is nothing in it that we
didn't know yesterday."
So there it is, the long-awaited White Paper. If there’s any pledge from this glorified Christmas wish
list that can be fulfilled, it is that of a greener Scotland - at 667 pages, it'll save you on loo roll.
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