Thursday, 20 March 2014

Independence debate: Eddie Izzard latest victim of the cybernats' witch hunt

The cybernat witch hunt continues to wield its reign of terror, with Eddie Izzard the latest talented celebrity to undergo a digital auto-da-fé . And what malevolent sorcery is this British National Treasure guilty of? Backing the pro-UK campaign, Better Together.

Within minutes of the announcement that Izzard was to front a gig in support of the union, the baying cybernat mob launched its ugly attack. Just like David Bowie and Kate Moss before him, the multilingual comedian and all-round genius became the newest target of the tartan inquisition; ritually burned at the stake on Facebook and Twitter.

Many Yes-supporting Izzard fans said that they were "disappointed" in their hero, while some resorted to the typical, grown-up personal attacks. One cyber-menace even said that the comedian was probably a reptile "because Izzard rhymes with lizard" (there's always one), whilst other Nats concluded that he must be a Tory.

Why yes! It's all just a big, bad Tory conspiracy. Eddie Izzard, the avid Labour supporter who tirelessly campaigns against poverty, must be a Tory because he sees the benefits of the union. Such is Nat logic.

I suppose Johan Lamont, George Galloway and Red Ed are all Tories too? Somehow, I can't quite see Gorgeous George being unmasked as a secret Thatcherite, but in Nat Land - where crude oil flows from the taps - the inhabitants must believe that anything is possible.

Some members of the Nationalist camp were outraged that an Englishman dared to wade into Scottish politics. It's ok though for Sean Connery living in the Bahamas and Alan Cumming, who is now a US citizen.

We compiled a selection of the rude Facebook comments from the Yes supporters directed at Eddie Izzard. Read them and make up your own mind.

They also started venting their fury on Twitter.

Then we have the lovely bloke who suggested that the comedian he once admired should "die in a fire". Nice.

These are just some of the insults put to the comedian, but believe us when we say there was much worse.

Eddie Izzard's trial by trolls is plain nasty on its own, but it's important to remember that this is in no way an isolated case. Anyone, famous or not, who dares to speak in favour of the United Kingdom is subject to the same online persecution. Wherever there's a positive mention of Great Britain, you can be sure that the cybernat army will rear its nasty head like a jobby that won't flush away.

The Nats DO NOT speak for the people of Scotland, despite what they want the rest of the world to believe. It's infuriating to see such an inspirational man being trashed by scores of our fellow countrymen.

Nevertheless, Little Britannia is confident that the silent majority will prevail. Ignore the Nats, Eddie; most of us Scots are right behind you.


  1. I keep getting told I'm the odd man out because "everybody" else supports independence...supposedly.
    Last night I was sent an invite on FB to like a page called "No-one likes a Tory". And they want me to vote yes and put that level of stupidity into power? I'll emigrate first.

  2. How ironic that one of those troll was complaining about people criticising Sean Connery... in a post which hurled vile abuse and both Izzard and the entire English population.
